About Ashlie

Hi I’m Ashlie! I’m a Yoga Therapist and Yoga Teacher in Oakville. I’m passionate about helping people feel better in their body so they can get back to the activities and life they love. Pain free!


I know what it feels like to be injured, in pain and completely limited in my daily activities. I felt stuck. Old. Useless. I felt like my body was failing me and it was out of my control.

It all started when…

Someone suggested I try yoga after I blew out my shoulder and rotator cuff cheerleading with the Guelph Gryphons and Cheersport Sharks. There were so many yoga studios, options of classes, teachers and communities to choose from. It was overwhelming! After some time, I ended up falling in love with the practice and community of Modo yoga (formerly Moksha Yoga). So much so, that I quit my corporate job and travelled to India for teacher training in 2010.

This is when I injured myself further thanks to my competitive and curious nature. I was trying to get ‘the full experience’.  Another major setback… or so I thought.

This experience fuelled my passion to helping my students modify their practice so it feels good to them. So it feels good to their body. My students were enjoying their modified practice but they (and I) weren’t seeing the progress we expected with regular practice. Why is this?

Yoga Therapy was the missing link! When you start to work on why things aren’t moving the way they should, you can make the changes needed to move better. Period.

My goal is to teach my clients to look at why. To gain clarity. To gain understanding. And finally to build towards true progress. This is how I Fuel My Flow. Working 1-on-1 with students lifts and magnifies my own energy. Seeing you do what you love. That’s my fuel.


Trainings and Certifications

  • Yoga Therapy C-IAYT 800 hrs


Functional Synergy with Susi Hately

In Progress Completion 2021

  • Yoga Therapy C-IAYT 75 hrs

    Case Reviews

    Functional Synergy with Susi Hately

    Completed 2019

  • Yoga Therapy C-IAYT 45hrs

    Intensive Level 1

    Functional Synergy with Susi Hately

    Completed 2019

  • Barre 14 hrs

    Barre Teacher Training

    the barre

    Completed 2016

  • Barre 15 hrs

    Barre Teacher Training

    beHOLD Barre

    Completed 2015

  • Restorative 15 hrs

    Restorative Teacher Training

    Swaha with Marla Meenakshi Joy

    Completed 2012

  • Pre-natal and Post-natal Yoga 45 hrs

    Pre-natal and Postnatal Teacher Training

    Dig Yoga with Sue Elkind @ Kula Yoga

    Completed 2013

  • Kids Yoga 15 hrs

    Kids Yoga Teacher Training

    Young Yoga Masters

    Completed 2010, Milton

  • Hatha Yoga 500 hrs

    Level 1 Teacher Training

    Modo Yoga International (formerly Moksha Yoga International)

    Completed in 2010, India

  • BA, University of Guelph

    BA in Social and Applied Human Sciences

    Graduated 2006, Guelph